Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Nonie Darwish Moment Glazov Gang

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents The Nonie Darwish Moment with Nonie Darwish, the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.

Nonie focuses on Why is Obama Defending Islam at Any Cost?, unveiling the true reason the Radical-in-Chief positions Muslims as victims in every speech on terror.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch the Nonie Darwish Moment: The Truth About The San Bernardino Terror Attack, in which Nonie stressed the urgency of halting the shaming of Americans for wanting to protect their nation: CLICK HERE.

[The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please donate through our Pay Pal account, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and LIKE us on Facebook.]
