Jesus is lamb of God???
معرفة الحق (208) عيد الأضحى ( كشف الاسلام )
القمص زكريا بطرس
حاقدين على الإسلام كارهين له
اللهم انى اسالك ان هذا عابد الملعون زكريا بطرس
The Dogma of Jesus died for Salvation.
God plan for salvation. Why plan? he can just move the curse of Adam so assumed without blood shed
The Messei7 is zabee7ah.
Jesus free sacrifice. Invention
Insult ... ya mohamed ya muhamed.
Paul teaches the invention of sacrifice.
Try the sacrifice to be happy Brain-washing: I am happy -now with Jesus
Jesus is human sacrifice? why
Morkos the lamb does not be used for sacrifice must be man. Cannibalism.
Muhamed is Kharoof Marcos logic.
Morcos claims that Jesus did not have sin? How about the women companion always? did have sexual relations with them? why not? may be.
Mr Morcos implies that the presumed sin of Adam and Eve were unlimited. . This means eating the delicious apple is not limited act but unlimited act or unlimited sin. Wow
According to Mor Morkos the eating of the apple is sin of un-proportional unlimited sin How he knows that?
. .'
Jesus not only erased the sin resulting from Adam but the sins of living people. Wow. What stretch?
Yokfiranah 3ankom saya'tikom. This means remove your sins. What is the problem with that?
Brain washed Husain the host partner.
Pray for the one who devised the idea and plan of sacrifice... Ha Ha God envision a plan Khittah... Does god need khittah or plan? So intelligent. God.
Sent the Messie7 a human ... Where God get this man from to send him? Where he was?
So al-Messei7 getting killed on the cross not only erased the sins of Adam but erased the sin of killers, cheaters, thief's and every day criminals. Wow. Cool
So to enjoy the eternal life with you. Actually it is very boring.